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My Beauty Experience Part 2

Hello and welcome back beautiful reader, so i have done a part two on my beauty experience becuase i knew i would be blabbing on forever and my battery on my lapop was 3% so i made a part two, so i will start from where i was last time makeup.

My makeup experience was a heck of a ride, i was never really that good at makeup so i never really put alot of time into it, i would only apply a little amount of foundation and a pale eyeshadow but as i got more intrested in youtube i wached alot of make up tutorials. As i kept on watching them i got more desired to try them, as i kept on doing them i got better and better, so then i decided to invest in some more beauty products, i started using alot of mac and lipsy products. At the moment i am quite proud of my makeup techniques and tend to keep them the way i like them. At the moment in my makeup bag i have alot of lipsy products like the 'The Lipsy London Fashion Edit Party Palette For Eyes, LIps & Cheeks' which is a win win for me and i have alot, alot of revoultion products like the 'Revoultion Eyeshadow Pallete' which fits perfectley in my makeup case which is also lipsy brand. I think my beauty experience is quite long and i couldnt quite fit all of it in, so i am going to leave it here and maybe in the near future i could do another beauty expereince, (if i do have any more, likely i will) so i hope you have enjoyed this blog post have a good day// night love


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