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my beauty experience

hello there beautiful readers so i thought i might make this blog post about my beauty experience, so where do i start, well i think for me i started getting more into beauty when i was on youtube and had discovered a channel called 'zoella' as you may know already, she has her own beauty blog which i will leave a link to. I started watching her videos alot, and now i have been watching her videos for two years and started to find a strong liking to beauty i would always love watching her pamper videos with tanya burr who is also a beauty youtuber, i will leave a link to her channel. After a while of watching her videos i got more intrested into investing in beauty products, i started taking more time into my skin and having pamper evening for myself, i got quite addicted acctually, i wouldnt use great brands of products like tata harper and sunday riley i would only use the brands like simple and l'oreal (not to expensive) after getting intrested in skincare, i then got intrested in hair products (but as i said not expensive produts) i would use tea tree shampoos and i started to buy hair masks.After getting intrested in hair and skin products i then was think about a lot of other routines like shower and bath routines. Now after a while of understanding beauty i now know what are good and bad products. At the moment i am intrested in emma hardie and tata harper and thinking of buying from them. But i always think the most expensive products are usally the best (not always true) because some cheapy products not always work for me but i am not saying to anyone that they have to buy the most expensive products to get the greatest skin. They might work well, so if you wash your face twice a day and have a good ongoing skincare routine your skin will be perfecto.

After a while of skincare routines and other beauty routines i then wanted to start wearing more makeup (i never really was intrested in make up and beauty) i started watching makeup routines on youtube ( i will leave a link to some make up routines) and i kept on practicing on diffrent make up (thingys) like contouring, shaping and lining i was never really good at contouring but as i keep on doing it i am realizing i am getting better, and with lining (eye liner,lip liner) i am still trying with lip liner but i am acctually getting better so thats good. I think i might end my blog post here and then do another post on this topic like *my beauty experience part 2* so thank you for reading have a good day//night and

goodbye xx


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